What Makes Acupuncture A Good Supportive Cancer Treatment?

Posted on: 22 February 2021

When treating cancer, there are two different types of treatments most doctors will recommend. The first is treatments that actually address the cancer directly. The best-known of these treatments are chemotherapy and radiation. The second is treatments intended to keep you comfortable, relieve cancer symptoms, and minimize the side effects of your direct cancer treatments. This second kind of cancer treatment is often known as supportive cancer treatments. One nice thing about them is that you can experiment a little, try a few different treatments, and see what works best for you.

One supportive cancer treatment that tends to work well for people is acupuncture. Here are a few reasons why acupuncture makes a good supportive cancer therapy.

It is compatible with almost all medications

Since acupuncture is not a drug or a medication, you do not need to worry about it interfering with other cancer medications. It's safe to combine with pretty much any drug, so you don't have to change your protocol if your doctor changes your medications. When you're being treated for cancer, you're often on a lot of meds, and they can change often — so it's nice to have a treatment you can rely on relief regardless of what else you're taking.

It relieves pain and stress

Although people use acupuncture for many things, it primarily helps ease pain and stress. These are both major concerns during cancer treatment. The pain may originate from the cancer itself or from treatments, like surgery. And, of course, you're stressed out after having been diagnosed with cancer! An acupuncture session will leave you feeling more relaxed, and your body is better able to fight the cancer and heal when your stress levels are low. 

Sessions are short

When you're undergoing cancer treatment, your schedule fills up quickly with appointments, and you don't always have the energy to squeeze much else in. Acupuncture appointments typically last less than an hour, and you can schedule them at your convenience. Most patients go once a week or every two weeks. This is unlike other supportive therapies that you may have to make time for daily. Acupuncture is also a passive therapy; you just relax and let your acupuncturist do all the actual work!

Acupuncture is a great supportive therapy to try when undergoing cancer treatment. The tiny needles help redirect and correct nerve impulses, and you barely feel a thing — other than relief — during and after the treatment. Schedule a session, and see how it works for you.

For additional information on acupuncture and other cancer-supported treatments, contact a local medical health professional.
