Why Your Mental Health Matters: The Link Between Mental Health And Overall Health

Posted on: 25 August 2015

Many people, men and women alike, do not take their mental health as seriously as their physical (medical) health. The reasons behind this are complicated but generally break down to the fact that many people do not feel that mental health conditions are legitimate health problems. Instead, they consider mental health to be a matter of will-power, strength, and determination. However, mental health issues can be linked to numerous other health conditions and problems. [Read More]

Eight Things You Can Do To Heal Faster From Your Hysterectomy

Posted on: 25 August 2015

No matter what kind of hysterectomy you get, it is important to take care of yourself after. Here are eight things you can do to promote faster healing.  1. Move around as soon as you can. Be very careful to not overdo it, but it is important for you to start walking around (with assistance when needed) to decrease the chances you will develop blood clots in your legs. After the first week you may be able to start doing some light exercising, and then you can slowly ease back into your old routine after that. [Read More]

Running Injuries: Understanding Why They Happen And How To Fight Back

Posted on: 21 August 2015

Leading a busy life while trying to fit enough running miles into your day can be exceedingly difficult. A lot of the time, it's too hard to add in some strength training as well, but it is important to make sure that you do this if you are a runner. Runners are some of the most frequently injured, with some statistics saying that an annual injury rate is as much as 66 percent, according to a 2009 poll. [Read More]

What The Sonogram Will Show You At Your 20 Week Pregnancy Appointment

Posted on: 20 August 2015

Going in for your sonogram when you are 20 weeks pregnant is quite exciting because you will likely only have had one or two before this one, and they won't have been nearly as detailed. By 20 weeks your baby is developed enough that the sonographer will be able to see them quite well, and can better show you what they look like. They will also be able to look for a variety of other things as well. [Read More]