All You Need To Know About Coronavirus Tests

Posted on: 17 May 2021

Coronavirus is a serious global health challenge. The rate of infections and deaths resulting from coronavirus is alarming. Given the virus's human-to-human transmission, protection from the disease is an ongoing safety concern. The first line of defense is knowing your status through a coronavirus test. There are various standardized tests in the market that provide reliable testing for coronavirus infection. This post offers insights into coronavirus testing services. When Should You Test for Coronavirus? [Read More]

What Makes Acupuncture A Good Supportive Cancer Treatment?

Posted on: 22 February 2021

When treating cancer, there are two different types of treatments most doctors will recommend. The first is treatments that actually address the cancer directly. The best-known of these treatments are chemotherapy and radiation. The second is treatments intended to keep you comfortable, relieve cancer symptoms, and minimize the side effects of your direct cancer treatments. This second kind of cancer treatment is often known as supportive cancer treatments. One nice thing about them is that you can experiment a little, try a few different treatments, and see what works best for you. [Read More]

POTS Syndrome: What You Should Know Before Diagnosis

Posted on: 21 December 2020

Of the many medical problems that can be challenging to diagnose, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is one of the most difficult. Frequently referred to by its acronym, POTS, this syndrome is invisible and is typically diagnosed based on a summary of its symptoms. Here's a look at what you need to know about this syndrome, its symptoms, and what you can expect. What Causes Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome? Just as the diagnosis of this syndrome can be challenging, so to can determining its origin. [Read More]

Non-Surgical Ways To Manage Ongoing Spine Pain

Posted on: 7 October 2020

Spine pain can be quite debilitating. It is tough to get out of bed in the morning when your back is throbbing, and stiffness and soreness definitely make it difficult to remain active. Many patients opt to address their ongoing spinal pain via surgery, and this is certainly a reasonable option. But what if you can't have surgery or don't want to undergo surgery? There are other options, which are discussed below. [Read More]