Scheduled For Knee Replacement Surgery? How To Prepare For The Recovery Period

Posted on: 17 June 2020

If you're scheduled for knee replacement surgery, now's the time to prepare for the recovery. You'll get post-operative instructions at the hospital. It's important you follow those. But there are other steps you can take that can keep your recovery moving forward. Look at the list provided here. These tips will help you on your road to recovery. Resist the Urge to Bend If you've suffered from a limited range of motion in your knee, you want to get back to normal as soon as possible. [Read More]

Manual Therapy Helps Backyard Football Players After Neck Sprains

Posted on: 18 March 2020

Backyard football can be a fun way for ex-athletes to relive their glory days with friends and others. However, these games can be tough for some to manage because they may end up causing severe damage. For example, a massive tackle could cause a neck sprain that may require manual therapy services to treat appropriately. Neck Sprains Can Be Very Painful Getting hit during a backyard football game can be rough, mainly because no pads or protective gear may be involved. [Read More]

3 Useful Tips When Using An Ambulance Transport Service For A Medical Emergency

Posted on: 19 November 2019

There may be a time when one of your family members suffers a medical emergency and needs to get to the hospital fast. Instead of driving them, it may be necessary to use an ambulance transport service. If you're in this situation, remember these precautions. They'll ensure this experience goes smoothly from start to finish.  Assess the Medical Problem's Severity  Before you call an ambulance transportation service, it is a good idea to first assess the emergency at hand if there's time. [Read More]

Why IV Therapy Is Better For Treating Dehydration

Posted on: 15 July 2019

If you are suffering from dehydration, it is important that you hydrate as soon as possible. Dehydration can lead to a series of negative health effects, including headaches, nausea, brain swelling, seizures, heatstroke, kidney failure, and even death. As you can see, it is important that you address potential dehydration as quickly as possible. While you might think that drinking water is sufficient enough to prevent these issues, IV hydration therapy is actually far more effective. [Read More]